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Workout of the day – Sunday May 26th 2024

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Warm up

2 rounds:

10 plate halo each way

10 plate overhead squats

10 plate squats with press out

10 plate ground to overheads


Part A – Every 90 sec for 5 rounds:

1 clean pull + 1 clean + 2 front squats + 1 hang clean

Part B – In 10 min, perform 5 sets of 2 hang cleans from above the knee


Every 2 min for 5 rounds, each for time:

10 hang power cleans 135/95 lbs

15/12 cal row

Note: hang power cleans should be mostly unbroken, no more than 2 sets. The row should take no more than 55 seconds


Part A

5 rounds for max reps, one minute per station, rotating through:

Max cal ski/bike

Max alternating dumbbell renegade rows 50/35 lbs

Max American KBS 24/16 kg


Part B

Every 3 min for 4 rounds:

30 abmat situps

100 ft. per side single DB farmer’s carry AHAP