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Workout of the day – Sunday September 15th

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Warm up

2 rounds
10 alternating lunges with torso twist
10 shuttle runs
50 jumping jacks
50 ft. high knees
50 ft. butt kicks


1 mile run time trial

Bodybuildling upper body strength

3 supersets:
A1 – 8 double DB bent over row
A2 – max effort banded PVC straight arms pull downs (green band recommended)
— rest about 90 sec before starting another superset


For time:
Power cleans 105/70 lbs
Thrusters 105/70 lbs
Burpees lateral jump over the barbell

Time cap 17 min
Note: this is a challenging time cap, the load on the bar should allow for mostly unbroken sets. Keep moving through at a steady pace.


Part A
For time:
2,000m row

Part B
3 rounds for load and quality:
10 DB renegade rows
15 per side single KB suitcase deadlifts
10 per side single arm ring rows

Part C
4 rounds for time:
12 alternating single DB power cleans 50/35 lbs
6 burpees
12 single DB thrusters 50/35 lbs
6 burpees

Time cap: 14 min