Workout of the day – Thursday April 27th
Warm up
3 rounds:
5/side Cossack squats
5 empty BB jumping squats
5 empty BB thrusters
5 empty BB split jerks
Clean + Split Jerk
E2MOM for 14 min:
3 cleans + 3 split jerks
60%, 65%, 70%x4, 60%
Note: follow the percentage for the 7 sets. This is 3 cleans, followed by 3 split jerks (not 3 clean and jerks)
Accumulate 200 double unders for time, performed as an EMOM with buy-in:
Buy-in: 3 power cleans + 6 front squats 135/95 lbs
AMReps double unders in the remainder of the minute.
Note: there is no built in rest, every minute, you have to perform the barbell complex before you can move to the jump rope. You are done once you have accumulated 200 double unders. You may choose to skip a minute to rest, but the total double unders volume has to be completed under 12 min. If you skip a minute, you have to start the next minute with the barbell complex before working on DUs.
Time cap: 12 min
Scaling: Adjust the weight to 60% of front squat. Substitute with 150 lateral hops over the barbell if you are still working on double unders.
Part A
Every 3 min for 7 rounds:
25/20 cal row
5 double DB devil presses 50/35 lbs
Part B
Accumulate 200 double unders for time, performed as an EMOM with buy-in:
Buy-in: 4 double DB power cleans + 8 double DB front squats 50/35 lbs
AMReps double unders in the remainder of the minute.
Note: there is no built in rest, every minute, you have to perform the DB complex before you can move to the jump rope. You are done once you have accumulated 200 double unders. You may choose to skip a minute to rest, but the total double unders volume has to be completed under 12 min. If you skip a minute, you have to start the next minute with the DB complex before working on DUs.
Time cap: 12 min
Scaling: Substitute with 150 lateral hops over the DB if you are still working on double unders.
2023 04 26