Workout of the day – Thursday January 23rd
Warm up
3 rounds:
5 burpees
10 alternating plank extensions
10 cossack squats
10 deadlifts (increase load throughout)
4×7 at 72.5% across
Barbell cycling & Conditioning
14 min AMRAP:
7 burpees over bar
6 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
4 front rack lunges
3 shoulder to overheads
Rx: 145/100 lbs
Goal: 5+ rounds
Optional accessory work (time permitting or to perform after class)
3 sets of:
10 per side standing weighted hip flexions
5 unbroken KB Turkish get ups per side – use a light load to start to allow for the 5 reps, then build up if possible.
Part A
5 rounds:
8 per leg rear foot elevated split squats (aka Bulgarian split squat)
4 seated box jumps
16 alternating single leg V-ups
Time cap: 18 min
Note: for the seated box jumps, find a bench or a box so that you can sit with knees forming a 90 degrees angle. Jump on a high box.
Part B
For time:
Buy-in: 75 ab-mat situps
— immediately into:
10-20-30 reps of
Double DB deadlifts 50/35 lbs
Time cap: 13 min
2025 01 22