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Workout of the day – Thursday January 4th 2024

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Warm up

2 rounds:

5/side fire hydrants

5 bootstrap squats

200m row

Back squat

DELOAD – 3×5 at 40%


16 intervals of 30 sec work, 30 sec rest, rotating through:

Max cal row

Max plate ground to overheads 35/25 lbs

Max box jumps 24/20 in

Max alternating single DB devil presses 50/35 lbs


Part A

16 intervals of 30 sec work, 30 sec rest, rotating through:

Max cal row

Max plate ground to overheads 35/25 lbs

Max box jumps 24/20 in

Max alternating single DB devil presses 50/35 lbs

Part B

15 min AMRAP :

15 wall balls 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft.

30 med ball walking lunges 20/14 lbs

45 double unders

6 toes to bars / hanging knee raises

Goal: Aim to keep everything unbroken, these are manageable volumes. Replace the double unders with 75 single unders.

Core 360

Each minute, alternate between the movement in the first 30 sec and the plank hold in the latter 30 sec. Rotate through the station each minute. So in min 1, you will do the 10 cross body V-ups in the first 30 sec, and hold a plank on the foam roller in the second half of the min. In min 2, you will do 10 side plank knee to elbow crunches on the right side, then hold a plank on the left side for the second half of the min… rotate through the sequence 4 times (20 min total)

10 Cross body V-ups / plank hold on foam roller

10 side plank knee to elbow crunches (right side) / side plank hold on left side

30 sec plate truck driver / hollow rocks

10 side plank knee to elbow crunches (left side) / side plank hold on right side

8 alternating single arm no pushup burpees / 15 sec single arm plank hold per arm