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Workout of the day – Thursday July 18th 2024

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Warm up

2 min cardio of choice

3 rounds:

5/side fire hydrants

5 bootstrap squats

5 empty BB good mornings

Front Squat

5×5 at 77.5%

Push Presses

3×5 at 65% of your 1RM clean and jerk

Barbell is taken from the ground


3 rounds for time:

8 double dumbbells thrusters 50/35 lbs

4 push-ups

8 double dumbbells power cleans 50/35 lbs

4 burpees

8 double dumbbells front squats 50/35 lbs

Time cap: 15 min


Part A

4 rounds for load and quality:

10/arm half kneeling DB presses (DB in the opposite hand as the knee that is forward)

10 single DB front rack lunges per side

50 ft. broad jumps in as few jumps as possible

Part B

4 rounds of 3 min ARMAP, resting 1 min between AMRAPs

6 alternating single DB power cleans 50/35 lbs

6 pushups

6 single DB goblet squats 50/35 lbs

** Pick up where you left off