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Workout of the day – Thursday June 17th

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Warm up
4 Rounds
5 Inch Worms
10 spiderman steps
5 muscle cleans with empty barbell
5 front squats with empty barbell

5 sets, increasing throughout to find a challenging weight of the following complex:
1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean + 3 front squats
This is one more rep of front squat from last week, can you aim for the same weight?

2 cycles of 6 min AMREPs:
30/24 cal row
60 double unders
10 lateral Box Jumps over
Max rep wall balls in remaining time, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft.
— rest 3 min between cycles


A) 4 rounds: 40 sec work, 20s rest, alternating between:
plate russian twists
row for distance

B) 20 min AMRAP:
8 alternating single arm devil presses 50/35
200m run
8 single DB overhead squat
20 burpees DB deadlift
8 single dumbbell push presses per arm
20 high knees

A) 4 rounds: 40 sec work, 20s rest, alternating between:
DB russian twists

B) 20 min AMRAP:
8 alternating single arm devil presses 50/35
200m run
8 single DB overhead squat
20 burpees DB deadlift
8 single dumbbell push presses per arm
20 high knees