Workout of the day – Thursday June 3rd
Warm up
3 rounds
15 squats
15 sit ups
12 PVC push press
1min plank
5 burpees
20 PVC kang squats
Find 3RM
3 x 3 min AMRAP (rest :30)
10 push press 115/75
10 hang power cleans
A) 2x 18min AMRAP (:90 rest)
60 jumping lunges
100 double unders or 200m run
60 DB hang clean and jerk
100 double unders or 200m run
60 Goblet squats
100 double unders or 200m run
60 Plank pull throughs
100 double unders or 200m run
60 weighted step ups
2021 06 02