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Workout of the day – Thursday March 20th

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Warm up

3 rounds:
10 empty BB behind the neck thrusters
10 empty BB good mornings
5/side banded lateral monster walks

Olympic lifting – Clean & Jerk

Clean & jerks – 5×2
Work up to a challenging double for the day.


3 sets, starting a set every 6 min, each for time:
3 rounds:
10 toes-to-bars
3 clean & jerks 205/135 lbs
Note: one set is 3 rounds of the above.

Scaling: adjust the toes-to-bars to a volume you can do in 2 sets each time. The load should allow for quick singles. Adjust to around 60%. You should get ~2-3min of rest each time.


Part A

3-4 rounds for load (~16 min):
10 double DB shoulder presses
20 KB seesaws bent over rows (10 per side)
20 single DB front rack lunges (10 steps with DB on the right, 10 with DB on the left)

Part B

16 min AMRAP:
8 right arm single DB squat cleans 50/35 lbs
8 left arm single DB squat cleans 50/35 lbs
16 down ups
16 alternating single DB push presses 50/35 lbs
16 ab-mat situps