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Workout of the day – Thursday May 2nd 2024

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Warm up

2 rounds:

10 banded good mornings

5/side lateral banded monster walk steps

5 frog hops

5/leg single leg glute bridges

5 ring rows


5×3 at 65%

No tempo


Every 5 min for 4 rounds, each for time:

400m run

10 toes to bars

10 single KB cleans 24/16 kg

10 KB goblet hold box step ups 24/16 kg, 24/20 in

— rest the remainder of the interval


Part A

4 rounds for load and quality:

8 Bulgarian split squat jumps per leg (bodyweight)

8 single KB suitcase deadlifts per side

8 elevated feet / weighted ring rows

8 supermen with 1 sec pause

16 alternating single leg V-ups

Time cap: 16 min

Part B

3 rounds of:

2 min, for max distance row:

16 alternating DB renegade rows 50/35 lbs

Max distance row in the remaining time

— rest 1 min, then:

2 min, for max distance row:

16 alternating single DB goblet lunges 50/35 lbs

Max distance row in the remaining time

— rest 1 min before the next round