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Workout of the day – Friday October 4th

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Warm up

2-3 rounds:
10 alternating bird dogs
10 hollow rocks
10 alternating cossack squats
5 barbell kang squats
5 per side single KB suitcase deadlifts


4×4 at 90% of your 4RM from week 1 (9/13), or 77.5% of your most recent deadlift 1RM, whichever is calculated number is higher if you have both.


3 rounds for max reps, 1 min per station, rotating through:
Double unders
Toes to bar (scale to hanging knee raises)
Single KB suitcase deadlifts 32/24 kg (30 sec right side / 30 sec left side)
Overhead squats 75/55 lbs
Lateral burpee box jumps over 24/20 in
Note: for the lateral burpee box jump overs, the jumps must be lateral. Scale to lateral step ups.
Goal each interval: 70+ DUs, 15+ burpees BJOs, 12+ toes to bar, 20+ overhead squats


Part A
4-5 rounds for load and quality:
10 KB goblet box step ups 24/20 in
10 KB sumo deadlift high pulls
10 double KB RDL
30 KB Russian twists

Time cap: 20 min

Part B
3 rounds for max reps, 1 min per station, rotating through:
Double unders
Toes to bar (scale to hanging knee raises)
Single KB suitcase deadlifts 32/24 kg (30 sec right side / 30 sec left side)
Plate overhead lunges 45/35 lbs
Lateral burpee box jumps over 24/20 in
Note: for the lateral burpee box jump overs, the jumps must be lateral. Scale to lateral step ups.
Goal each interval: 70+ DUs, 15+ burpees BJOs, 12+ toes to bar, 20+ overhead lunges