Workout of the day – Tuesday December 31st
Warm up
3 rounds:
4 inchworms with pushups
8 alternating single arm DB hang clean and jerks
12 jumping lunges
Olympic lifting
20 min EMOM:
1 clean and jerk
Note: start around 50% and build up throughout, but do no exceed 75% is you plan on testing the crossfit total tomorrow.
Final countdown
For time, 10-9-8-…-2-1 reps of:
Hang power cleans 95/65 lbs
Box jumps 24/20 in
American KBS 24/16 kg
Time cap: 15 min
Part A
20 min alternating EMOM:
6/side KB Turkish situps
12 alternating plank extension with 2 sec pause at the top
12 Goblet hold good mornings
12 alternating single DB power cleans 50/35 lbs (alternate arm each rep)
12 successive broad jumps for distance
Part B
For time, 10-9-8-…-2-1 reps of:
Double DB hang power cleans 35/25 lbs
Box jumps 24/20 in
American KBS 24/16 kg
Time cap: 15 min
2024 12 30