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Workout of the day – Tuesday February 4th

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Warm up

3 rounds:
12 alternating cossack squats (6/leg – hold the rig if necessary)
8 alternating high box step ups
6 banded good mornings
4 inch worms with pushup

Gymnastics skills
Pistols progressions – work through your scalling options to practice pistols today:
Level 1: Curtsy squats or lunges
Level 2: Single leg box step up/down
Level 3: Single leg box squats (or on med ball)
Level 4: Single leg squat with heel on plate
Level 5: Single leg squat holding plate as counter balance
Level 6: Pistols
Advanced: Weighted pistols holding a dumbbell in goblet position

Bench press (15 min)

3×10 at 65% across + 1 attempt for max reps at 65%

Gymnastics Conditioning

16 min alternating EMOM:
12/10 cal row
16 toes to bars (or toes to bar progression from last week)
12/10 cal ski
16 alternating pistols / pistol progressions / curtsy squats


Part A

4 sets:
10 per side single DB tempo bench presses 3030
10 half kneeling DB shoulder presses per side
10 per side single tempo ring row 3030

Build up on weight throughout, but the load should allow you to maintain the tempo

Time cap: 16 min

Part B

20 min alternating EMOM (5 rounds):
12/10 cal row
16 toes to bars (or toes to bar progression from last week)
12/10 cal ski
16 alternating pistols / pistol progressions / curtsy squats