Workout of the day – Tuesday January 28th
Warm up
2 rounds:
4 yoga pushups
6 KB floor press + Turkish situps per side
8 cal ski
10 straight arm PVC banded lat pull downs
Then spend some time warming up / practicing toes to bars and kipping
Gymnastics skills
Toes to bars progression
Level 1: Strict hanging knee raises + kipping practice with a partner setting stomach/back reaching targets with one arm in fron and one arm in back
Level 2: Kipping knee raises and strict leg raises
Level 3: Kipping leg raises and strict leg raises
Level 4: toes to bars
Bench press (15 min)
6×6 at 70% across
Gymnastics Conditioning
8 min AMRAP:
8 toes to bars
8 push presses 105/80 lbs
8 box jumps 24/20 in
Goal: 1:20 per round pace. Adjust the load and volume to keep all sets UB.
Part A
3 rounds of:
3 min AMReps:
500m/400m row
Max DB floor presses in the remaining time 50/35 lbs
— Rest 1 min, then:
3 min AMReps:
30 burpees
Max ab-mat situps in the remaining time
— Rest 1 min (this is the end of a full round), start again from the row for a total of 3 rounds on each.
Part B
8 min AMRAP:
8 toes to bars
8 double DB push presses 40/25 lbs
8 box jumps 24/20 in
Goal: 1:20 per round pace. Adjust the DB weight and volume to keep all sets UB.
Scaling: adjust to hanging knee raises preferably over V-ups
2025 01 27