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Workout of the day – Tuesday January 2nd 2024

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Warm up

2 rounds:

5/side banded lateral monster walks

10 empty BB good mornings

5/side cossack squats

10 double DB push presses

Deadlift & press

DELOAD – 3 sets of 5 shoulder presses and 5 deadlifts

First set at 40%, second set at 50%, third set at 60% (based on each movement’s 1RM)


For time:

800m run

20 deadlifts 185/125 lbs

400m run

10 deadlifts 185/125 lbs

Time cap: 10 min

Goal: Get through the run a little faster that you would like. The deadlifts are meant to be 2 sets or less in the first round, and unbroken in the second round. Aim for ~7 min. Adjust load and distance accordingly.


Part A

For time:

30-20-10 reps of:

Alternating DB snatches 50/35 lbs


then, 10-20-30 reps of:

American KBS 24/16 kg


Time cap: 16 min

Part B

2 rounds of 5 min AMRAP, with 2 min rest between:

200m run

10 double KB deadlifts 24/16 kg

Goal: Push on the run, push on the stairs (…), aim for 3 rounds per AMRAP.

Note: Reset from the beginning on the second AMRAP.

Bodybuilding express

In 20-25 min, cycle through 3 rounds of the following for load and quality

10 Bench presses

10 strict toes to bars / leg raises

8/arm single DB bent over rows

10 goblet squats

10 per leg deficit split squats (front leg on 45# plate)