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Workout of the day – Tuesday July 23rd 2024

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Warm up

3 rounds:

10 goblet Lunges (5/leg)

10 alternating groiners

10 deadbugs

5 inch worms with pushups

Banded deadlift

5×3 at 75% of deadlift 1RM

How to set up the band:

Back Rack Lunges

Every 2 min for 5 rounds:

10 alternating back rack rear lunges

Note: 5 per leg. Build up on weight throughout, the back rack should allow higher load than last week


4 rounds, 60 secs per station, for max reps, “Fight gone bad” style:

Hang power cleans 95/65 lbs

Cal ski

Box jump overs 30/24 in



Part A

3 rounds for load and quality:

10/leg double DB Bulgarian split squat

10 renegade row per arm

10/side KB suitcase deadlift

Part B

3 rounds for time:

10 double KB swings 24/16 kg

20 double KB front rack walking lunges 24/16 kg

30/24 cal row

40 lateral jumps over KB

Time cap: 18 min