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Workout of the day – Tuesday June 14th

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Warm up

400m run, then,

3 rounds, adding small weight increments between rounds:

3 power position power snatches

3 hang power snatches

3 power snatches

3 squat snatches


On a continuously running clock, perform part A and B:

Part A

From 0:00 to 12:30 min, every 2:30 min for 5 rounds

3 x (power snatches + overhead squats)

Note: Start around 65% of your heavy triple from week 1 – see notes from last week. Each interval, perform 3 times the complex (1 power snatch followed by an overhead squat) – use last week as a benchmark, knowing that this sequence will be more challenging.

Part B

From 12:30 min to 18:30 min, every 2 min for 3 rounds

5 deficit snatch high pulls at 100% of the snatch 3 RM from week 1.

Note: Deficit should be 4″, which is equivalent to 45# plates


3 rounds, for max reps, 1 min per station (“Fight gone bad” style):

Assault bike calories

KB snatches 24/16 kg

Cal ski

Plate ground-to-overhead 45/25 lbs




Part A

3 rounds, for max reps, 1 min per station (“Fight gone bad” style):

Assault bike calories

KB snatches 24/16 kg

Cal ski

Plate ground-to-overhead 45/25 lbs



Part B

18 min to rotate through the following movements, for quality (rest as needed between stations):

15 unbroken wall balls

20 alternating shoulder taps (plank or wall facing handstand)

25 leg pikes over object

30 sec wall sit holding plate with straight arms in front

40 ft. broad jumps in as few jumps as possible