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Workout of the day – Tuesday June 18th 2024

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Warm up

400m run then

2 rounds:

10 banded good mornings

5/side lateral banded monster walk steps

5 frog hops

5/leg single leg glute bridges


5 at 40%, 5 at 50%, 5 at 60%

Bench press

5 at 40%, 5 at 50%, 5 at 60%

Conditioning (20 min)

4 rounds of 2:30min AMReps:

18/15 cal row

9 burpees box jumps over 24/20 in

Max wall balls in the remaining time 20/14 lbs

— rest 2:30 min between rounds

Note: These are sprint intervals. Time cap on the rower is 1:10min, cap to complete the BBJO is 2’10 with a quick transition for an UB WB set of at least 20 sec.


Part A

4 rounds, 1 min per station, for max reps/hold:

DB bench presses 50/35 lbs

Plank hold

Weighted glute bridges


Part B

4 rounds of 2:30min AMReps:

18/15 cal row

9 burpees box jumps over 24/20 in

Max wall balls in the remaining time 20/14 lbs

— rest 2:30 min between rounds

Note: These are sprint intervals. Time cap on the rower is 1:10min, cap to complete the BBJO is 2’10 with a quick transition for an UB WB set of at least 20 sec.