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Workout of the day – Tuesday March 18th

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Warm up

8 min alternating EMOM:
5 burpee pull ups OR 5 burpees then 5 ring rows
10 cal machine (row/bike/ski)

Push-pull strength

4 supersets:
A1 – 8 bench presses
A2 – Max reps ring rows
Note: build up to a challenging, yet unbroken set on the bench press. Ring rows are to failure, but set the difficulty so that you perform 8-12 reps each time. Use boxes to elevate feet if too easy and/or add a 10-25# plate on your chest.

Partner conditioning

In teams of 2, for time, one partner working at a time, splitting as desired:
Buy-in: 1,000m/800m row
–then, 10 rounds of, partners alternating full rounds:
5 pullups
10 double DB push presses 35/25 lbs (RX+: 50/35 lbs)
15 double DB squats 35/25 lbs (RX+: 50/35 lbs)
— then, buy-out: 1,000m/800m row

Time cap: 22 min


Part A

4 supersets:
A1 – 8 DB bench presses AHAP
A2 – Max reps ring rows
Note: build up to a challenging, yet unbroken set on the bench press. Ring rows are to failure, but set the difficulty so that you perform 8-12 reps each time. Use boxes to elevate feet if too easy and/or add a 10-25# plate on your chest.

Part B

In teams of 2, for time, one partner working at a time, splitting as desired:
Buy-in: 1,000m/800m row
–then, 10 rounds of, partners alternating full rounds:
5 pullups
10 double DB push presses 35/25 lbs (RX+: 50/35 lbs)
15 double DB squats 35/25 lbs (RX+: 50/35 lbs)
— then, buy-out: 1,000m/800m row

Time cap: 22 min