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Workout of the day – Tuesday March 25th

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:
8 alternating high box step ups 30/24 in
10 empty BB front rack lunge steps
12 empty BB push jerks

Front Squat

Take 20 min to establish a 10RM front squat

Partner conditioning

In teams of 2, 4 rounds for time:
30 power cleans 155/105 lbs (split as desired)
20 push jerks 155/105 lbs (split as desired)
10 burpees (both, synchro)

Time cap: 18 min


Part A

4 rounds of 2 min AMRAP, 2 min rest between:
8 box jumps over 24/20 in
4 double DB front squats 50/35 lbs
— restart the AMRAP every round

Goal: 2.5 rounds every AMRAP

Part B

Partner WOD, in teams of 2 – 3 rounds for time, splitting as desired:
1,000/800m row
50 wall balls 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft.
50 alternating double DB lunges (Farmer’s style) 50/35 lbs

Time cap: 22 min