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Workout of the day – Tuesday May 28th 2024

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Warm up

400m run then:

2 rounds:

20 banded good mornings

20 A-frame toe-touches

10 alternating single leg BB RDL


5 at 75%, 4 at 80%, 3 at 82.5%, 2 at 87.5%, 2 at 90%

Bench press

5 at 75%, 4 at 80%, 3 at 82.5%, 2 at 87.5%, 2 at 90%


3 rounds of 3 min AMRAP, with 1 min rest between:

3 deadlifts 205/140 lbs

6 burpees over bar

9 situps

— Pick up where you left off each round


Part A

4 rounds for load:

50 per side ft. double DB offset walking lunges (overhead and front rack)

10 double KB RDLs

5 per side KB/DB Turkish situps

5 per side single DB bench presses

Time cap: 18 min

Part B

3 rounds of 3 min AMRAP, with 1 min rest between:

3 double DB power cleans 50/35 lbs

6 burpees over bar

9 situps

— Pick up where you left off each round