Workout of the day – Tuesday October 10th 2023
Warm up
3 rounds:
10 empty BB behind the neck thrusters
10 empty BB good mornings
5/side banded lateral monster walks
Back squat
10 min to work up to a heavy single around 90% (NOT A MAX)
— then:
3 sets of 5 paused back squats at 72.5% (3 sec pause)
4 rounds of 2:30 min AMReps:
10 pull-ups
10 toes to bars
10 American KBS 24/16 kg
Max wall balls in the remaining time 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
Note: there is no rest between each round, start again with the pullups every 2:30 minutes. The gymnastics movements should be both done in a minute or less.
Part A
4 rounds for load and quality:
8/leg double DB Bulgarian split squat (DB Farmer’s hold, increase load from last week)
30 sec per side single leg wall sit (raise one foot from the ground)
4 seated box jumps maximum explosiveness
Note: for the seated jumps, sit so that your hips and knees are at parallel
Part B
4 rounds of 2:30 min AMReps:
10 pull-ups
10 toes to bars
10 American KBS 24/16 kg
Max wall balls in the remaining time 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
Note: there is no rest between each round, start again with the pullups every 2:30 minutes. The gymnastics movements should be both done in a minute or less.
Bodybuilding express
20 min alternating EMOM (4 rounds):
10 DB Arnold presses
5 per leg KB goblet hold box step ups
10 DB lateral raises
6/leg DB goblet hold Bulgarian split squats
20 alternating DB bicep curls (10 per arm)
2023 10 09