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Workout of the day – Tuesday October 15th

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Warm up

Alternating Tabata – alternate between down-ups and air squats for 4 intervals of 20 secs each, 10 sec rest between.
Then, 2 rounds:
10 pvc pass through
10 wall facing squats (hands overhead)
10 pvc sots presses

Olympic lifting

20 min EMOM:
1 clean and jerk

Note: split jerk or push jerk. Start around 60% and increase weight throughout


3 rounds for time:
20 alternating dumbbell snatches 50/35 lbs
15 American KBS 24/16 kg
10 Burpees box jumps 24/20 in

Time cap: 15 mins


Part A
10 min to complete 3 rounds for load and quality:
8/arm half kneeling contralateral dumbbell press
3/side dumbbell Turkish getups
100 ft. / side single arm dumbbell overhead carry

Part B
24 min alternating EMOM:
8 double DB cleans
10/8 cal row
12 pushups
14 alternating single DB snatches