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Workout of the day – Wednesday December 1st

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Warm up

3 rounds

5/side 90-90 transitions

5/side banded lateral monster steps

5 inverted burpees

Back squat

3 reps at 70% of your 1RM

3 reps at 80% of your 1RM

Max reps at 90% of your 1RM

** 2 spotters required for last set **

Barbell Cycling & Conditioning

Alternating EMOM 12 min

10 burpee BJO 24″/20″

1 bear complex 135/95 lbs + increase by 1 rep each round, ending at 6

Bear complex: 1 power clean + 1 front squat + 1 push press + 1 back squat + 1 push press


Part A

For time:


Double dumbbell box steps overs 24/20 in, 50/35 lbs

Double DB front rack rear lunges 50/35 lbs

Calories on rower

Time cap: 16 min

Part B

14 min AMRAP:

14 KB sumo deadlift high pulls 32/24 kg

10 box jumps over 24/20 in

6 single KB devil presses 32/24 kg (burpee + KB snatch)