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Workout of the day – Wednesday July 17th 2024

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Warm up

2-3 rounds (5 min):

6 ring rows

6 yoga pushups

6 air squats

6 per arm single arm KBS

6 per side single KB push presses

Pulling strength (10 min)

Option A: Weighted pullups – 5×4

Option B: Eccentric pullups – 5×4 with 3 sec descent (may jump up from box to bring chin over the pullup bar)


“Fight gone bad” style, 1 min per station for max reps, rotating through stations, 5 rounds total (30 min):

Strict pullups (scale with a band making it challenging to complete 3 pullups in a row)

Row for calories

Ring / box / bench dip

Ski for calories

KB snatches 24/16 kg


Olympic lifting

Warm Up Activation

1 Round

3/leg Worlds Greatest Stretch

5 Bootstrappers

5 PVC Passthroughs

5 PVC Goodmornings

Movement Specific Prep

3 Reps at Each:

Tall Position

Tall Snatch High Pulls

Tall Muscle Snatch

Tall Snatch 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop

High Hang

Snatch High Pulls

ScareCrow Snatch

Power Snatch 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop

Hang Above Knee

Snatch High Pulls

Power Snatch 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop


Slow Pull to Pockets into High Pull

Power Snatch 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop

3 Muscle Snatches

3 Pressing Snatch Balance

Muscle Snatches + Pressing Snatch Balance

8 Minutes for 4 Sets of

3 Muscle Snatches + 3 Pressing Snatch Balance @ 50%-60% of 1RM Snatch

10 Minutes for Snatch Complex

5 Sets of:

1 Snatch Pull

1 Power Snatch to Quarter Squat

1 Power Snatch to Parallel

1 Squat Snatch

Start at 60% and build

*Drop & Reset between each rep

3 Position Pause Snatch Deadlift

Every 90secs for 5 Rounds

3 Position Pause Snatch Deadlift @ 85%

3 Position Pause Snatch Deadlift @ 85%

3 Position Pause Snatch Deadlift @ 85+%

3 Position Pause Snatch Deadlift @ 85+%

3 Position Pause Snatch Deadlift @ 85+%

*3 Position: 2 inch Off Ground, At Knee, At Mid Thigh


3 sets: AMRAP 2min

10 Sandbag Cleans

Max Distance Sandbag Bearhug Carry

-30sec Rest-

-1min Rest-

3 sets: AMRAP 2min

10 Double DB Box Step Overs

Max Distance Double DB Farmer Carry

-30sec Rest-

RX: Sandbag 150/100 – DBs 50/35

Intermediate: Sandbag  100/50 – DBs 35/25

Scaled: Sandbag 50/20 – DBs 20/10