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Workout of the day – Wednesday June 26th 2024

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:

6 alternating legs high box step ups 30/24 in

6/side single arm KBS

6 hanging knee raises


36 min alternating EMOM (6 rounds at each station):

12 double KBS (Russian) 24/16 kg

12/9 cal assault bike

12 toes to bars

12/10 cal ski

50 ft. empty sled sprint + 50 ft. farmer’s carry AHAP



Warm Up

2 rounds

:30sec Chin Over Bar Hold

5 Down Dog/Seal Pose

10 Scap Pull-Ups

20 Alternating V-Ups

Level Descriptions

Level 1: 0 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 2: 1-2 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 3: 3-5 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 4: 5+ Strict Pull-Ups

Pull-Up Strength

Every 90 seconds for 8 Rounds

Level 1: Negative Pull-Ups

5 Toe Assisted Pull-Ups

*Start each rep with shins on ground and hands on pull-up. Use to toes to assist to pull chin over bar.

Level 2: Negative Pull-Ups

5 Banded Negative Pull-Ups

*Each rep start by jumping to get chin above bar and control down till arms all locked out.

Level 3: Strict & Negative Pull-Ups

2 Strict Pull Ups + 3 Negative Pull-Ups (Banded if needed)

*Goal is to get to 5 reps with combo of both with at LEAST 1 Strict

Level 4: Weighted Strict Pull-Ups

3-5 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups

*Weight stays @ 7/10 RPE for all 5 Sets

*7/10 RPE = can do 3 more reps at that weight


AMRAP in 3 Minutes for 3 Rounds

10 Chin-Ups or 20 Reverse Grip Banded Lat Pull Downs

10 Toes-to-Bar or 10 Knee Tucks

Max Calorie Row with time left on clock

-Rest 1 Min-

Accessory Work

15 minutes for 3 Rounds

10 Weighted Scap Pull-Up

20 Banded Pullthroughs

:20sec L-Hang

Bicep Drop Set

10 Empty Barbell Curls

8/arm DB Hammer Curls

30 Banded Curls

*minimal rest between movements