Workout of the day – Wednesday March 1st
Warm up
2 rounds of:
200m row
5 KB goblet squats
5 yoga pushups
1 wall walk
In a 16 min window:
Buy-in: 2,000m/1,600m row
then, in the remaining time, AMRAP:
15 American KBS 24/16 kg
10 KB goblet hold box steps over 24/20 in, 24/16 kg
5 wall facing handstand push-ups (strict) or 3 wall walks
— rest 4 min
In a 16 min window:
Buy-in: 4 rounds for time:
5 wall facing handstand push-ups (strict) or 3 wall walks
10 KB goblet hold box steps over 24/20 in, 24/16 kg
15 American KBS 24/16 kg
then, in the remaining time, AMRAP:
Row for distance
2023 02 28