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Workout of the day – Wednesday October 9th

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Warm up

6 min AMRAP:
10 banded good mornings
2 wall walks or inch worms
10 alternating bird-dogs
20 hollow rocks

Gymnastics skills and strength

12 min alternating EMOM:
1 min practice of hollow position pull down with feet on foam roller
20 sec per side paloff press hold
15 barbell ab rollouts

Note: secure the barbells on the rig with bands on both sides


Part A – 6 min AMRAP:
buy-in: 400m run, then AMRAP in remaining time of:
10 deadlifts [BB: 185/135 lbs, KBs: 2×32/24 kg]
10 burpees over the bar/KBs
— Rest 2 min
Part B – 6 min AMRAP:
buy-in: 500m/400m row, then AMRAP in remaining time of:
10 American KBS 24/16kg
10 ab-mat situps
— Rest 2 min
Part C – 6 min AMRAP:
buy-in: 500m/400m ski OR 1000m/800m bike, then AMRAP in remaining time of:
10 single dumbbell box steps overs 50/35 lbs
10 push-ups

Set up 3 stations, teams of 3 sharing equipment. Looking at the room from the whiteboard, have rowers and KB at the back of the room all lined up. Barbells for DLs on the left alongside the rig, and dumbbell stations close to the ski. Bike Erg/Assault bike only needed if more than 15 ppl in the class.

Olympic lifting

Warm Up Activation
1 Round
3/leg Worlds Greatest Stretch
5 Bootstrappers
5 PVC Passthroughs
5 PVC Goodmornings
Clean Movement Prep
Burgener Clean Warm-Up (5 minutes)
With Empty Barbell perform 3 reps at each movement
Clean Primer Complex
3 Sets (6 Mins to complete)
3 Hang Clean High-Pull from Below Knee
3 Hang Power Clean from Below Knee
3 Hang Squat Cleans form Below Knee
All @ 50%-60% of 1 RM Power Clean
Clean Complex
5-7 Sets (10 mins to complete)
1 Clean Deadlift
2 Hang Clean High Pull (Hang bellow the knee)
2 Hang Power Clean (Hang below the knee)
1 Front Squats
Start at 60% and build
*Drop & Reset between each rep
Clean Accessories
5 Sets (10 Mins to complete)
3 Pause Clean Pulls from Below the Knee
*Pause below the knee for 3 Seconds per rep
All Sets are at 90% 1RM Clean
3 Sets for AMRAP in 3 Minutes
6 Wallballs
4 Handstand Pushups
1 Power Clean (Heavy)
-1 minute Rest Between Sets-
Goal: 3+ Rounds Per Set
Medball: 20lb/14lb 10ft/9ft
HSPU: Head on Floor or 1 ab-mat plus 25lb plates outside of ab-mat
Barbell: 225lb/155lb
HSPU Sub: Double DB Overhead Press