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Workout of the day – Wednesday September 18th

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Warm up

3 rounds:
10 yoga pushups
15 supermen
200m ski

Gymnastics skills and strength

12 min alternating EMOM
8-12 DB bench row AHAP with sec hold at the top
8-12 strict box dips
30 sec ring support hold

Scaling options: feet supported or band supported box dips
Note: to set up the bench row, stack a couple of 45 lbs plates and place one side of the bench on them to incline it.


Every 2 min on the minute for 3 rounds, alternating between:
24/18 cal ski
16 burpees box jumps over 24/20 in
24/18 cal row
40 single leg V-ups

Olympic lifting

Warm Up Activation
1 Round
3/leg Worlds Greatest Stretch
5 Bootstrappers
5 PVC Passthroughs
5 PVC Goodmornings
Clean Movement Prep
3 Reps at Each:
From the Tall Position
Tall Clean High Pulls
Tall Muscle Clean
Tall Clean 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop
From the High Hang Position
Clean High Pulls
ScareCrow Clean
Power Clean 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop
From the Hang Above Knee Position
Clean High Pulls
Power Clean 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop
From the Mid-Shin Position
Slow Pull to Pockets into High Pull
Power Clean 2″ Drop, 6″ Drop, 9″ Drop
1 Clean Lift Off Below Knee
1 Clean Pull
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
Clean Primer Complex
3 Sets (6 Mins)
1 Clean Lift Off to Knee
1 Clean Pull
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
All @ 50%-60% of 1 RM Power Clean
Power Clean Waves
EMOM for 9 Mins
Wave 1
3 Power Cleans @ 75%
2 Power Cleans @ 78%
1 Power Clean @ 80%
Wave 2
3 Power Cleans @ 78%
2 Power Cleans @ 80%
1 Power Clean @ 83%
Wave 3
3 Power Cleans @ 80%
2 Power Cleans @ 83%
1 Power Clean @ 85%
*Done ALL in singles with 3-5 seconds between reps
Clean Accessories
5 Sets (10 Mins)
2 Clean Pulls + 3 Clean Pulls from Above the Knee
All Sets are at 90% 1RM Clean
3 Sets
9 Deadlifts
6 Hang Power Cleans
3 Jerks
-1 Min Rest-
RX: 155/105
Intermediate: 135/95
Scaled: 75/55