Warm up 3 Sets of 1 Min Each Jumping Jacks Hollow rocks Back wards alt lunges Plank Strength/Skill EMOTM 10 Mins HSPU PISTOLS 5 HSPU ODD MIN 6 Pistols EVEN Minute -Scale HSPU w Ab Mats -Kick up to wall and hold for 20 secs -Pistols use a plate for…
EVF Battle of THE fittest WOD 1 Take ten mins to build to a 1 rep max Clean. You can power clean it or squat clean it. You must stand up and show control at the top Warm up W an empty barbell 3 sets of 5 Dead lifts 5…
Check out Coach Matt and Coach Eric from EVF Performance on ABC's Good Morning America... Watch them talking about why a good CrossFit Kids program is really great for building healthy habits and confidence in kids!
Warm up 2 mins Foam roll each leg 2 Mins Lax Ball on Each Scapula 3 sets of 30 secs Mountain Climbers 30 secs Air Squats 30 secs Groiners 30 secs sonics Strength/ Skill Back Squats 3-5-5-5-3 Training (Met-con) 4 rounds 400 meter row 12 Pull ups 12…
Warm up 3 Sets of 10 Push Press (empty Barbell) 10 Good Mornings ( Empty Barbell) 10 Jump Squats Strength/Skill 1n 15 mins build up to a heavy set of 3 reps Push press 3-3-3-3-3 Training (Met-Con) In honor of Veterans Day and dedicated to those who served this great…
Warm up 400 Meter run 3 sets 5 push ups 10 Air Squats 15 Ab mat sit ups Training (Met-con) 10 rounds 200 meter run 10 Burpees 10 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 SDHP w KB (53/35) 200 meter run 86th st to 85th at then back in the building
Warm up With a running clock of 8 mins W an empty PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Thru's 10 around the worlds 10 Over head Squats 10 muscle snatches 10 snatch Balance 10 Full snatches 10 Sots presses Strength/Skill 10 Min EMOM Even min 6/7 Snatches (95/65) (135/95)…
Warm up Ski 300 Meters 3 sets of 30 secs each High knees Plank Supermans Sonics Dynamic stretches Strength In 15 mins 5 sets of 20 Alt weighted Lunges Super set with 3 Weighted pull ups Training (Met-Con) "Interval valley" 30 secs AMRAP 30 secs rest 4 Rounds of Ball…
Warm up W a PVC Pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Thru's 10 around the worlds 10 Oh Squats 10 Burpees 10 Groiners Strength/Skill Take 15 Mins Build as heavy as you can 1 Push press 1 Jerk Rest 2-3 mins between sets Training (Met-Con) 800 Meter run 30 Push…
Warm up W an empty barbell 3 sets of 10 Dead lifts 10 Push Presses 10 Back squats Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill Dead-Lifts 5-3-3-3-5 Training (Met-con) Lurong living Paleo Challenge WOD 1 repeat. Go back to your log books to compare results. Check for improvements or areas in which you still…