We are all very excited to host our first very own in house competition. The EVF Battle of The Fittest. Who wants to get a chance to throw down and put their fitness to the test? When: Saturday Dec 7th. Gym will open at 8am. Athlete conference will…
Jamie hitting those Front Squats at the Scream and Clean. Warm up 3 rounds of CINDY 5 Pull ups 10 Push ups 15 Air Squats Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill 10 Min EMOM EVEN MIN 20 Double Unders Odd Min 3 Wall Climbs Training (met-con) 7 Rounds 15 KB Swings…
Whats up my fellow EVF'ers! As many of you know a few of our members competed along side one another inthe 2nd annual Scream and Clean competition in Danbury. We had a total of 6 teams with 4 competitors to a team. Thats 24 athletes giving it there all,…
Warm up 400 Meter row 3 sets of 10 Wall Balls 10 planks to push ups 10 pull ups Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill Back Squats 5-3-3-3-5 Training (Met-Con) 9 Min AMRAP 3 Front Squats 6 Chest to Bar Pull ups 250 Meter row Men's weight options 115-135-155-185 Womens weight options 65-80-95-115…
Warm up 500 Meter row 3 Sets of 5 Inch Worms 10 Leaping Lunges 15 Hollow rocks Training (Met-Con) 5 Rounds 500 Meter row 20 Box Jump Overs (20) 15 KB Swings (53/35) 3 Mins Rest Between rounds The objective is push as fast through the round as possible. Score…
We are excited to add our EVF360 class to our Sunday Schedule. First class will begin tomorrow at 11am. The class will be held in doors. You may go on to the schedule to sign up. Also if you have any friends or family that are interested in joining you…
Warm up 3 sets of W an Empty Barbell 10 Dead lifts 10 Thrusters 10 Bent over rows 2 sets of 3 Scorpian stretches 3 squat stretches 10 Groiners Barbell Clean progressions Training (Met-Con) In teams of 2 "The running man" As a team Complete 6 rounds of 400 meter…
Happy Novemeber Folks! Warm up 3 sets of 10 Wall Balls 10 V ups 10 Burpees w Med ball 10 Hollow Rocks Dynamic Stretches Double Under Practice 5 mins Strength/Skill Muscle up Transition work Or 3 MU EMOM for 8 Mins Training (Met-Con) "TABATA" 8 Rounds Each 20 secs AMRAP…
Happy Halloween!! Warm up 3 sets of 30 secs each Push press empty Barbell Back squats Empty Barbell Sonics High knees Strength/Skill In 15 Mins build up as heavy as you can. No failed reps! -Taken from the rack- 2 Push Presses 1 Jerk Training (Met-Con) For time "Jacobs Ladder"…