Day 3 of Hell week! It only gets harder form here on out. Reach back and dig deep. Will yourself to every finish line. "We dine in hell" Warm up 3 Sets of 5 forward/backwards duck walks 5 inch worms 10 box jumps Dynamic Stretches Jumping and landing…
Day 2. You have survived Demominc Diane. Lets see if your ready to be taken to hell by FRAN. As the week goes on we are going to push you harder and harder. The workouts are going to get more physically demanding and are going to require every inch of…
What is hell week? This week we turn up the notch (if that's even possible) and we GO HAM! We will be breaking down bench mark WODS all week and making them way more challenging then they already are. Killer, we know! Why? Why not :) In…
You asked for it. You got it! Have fun, work hard and GO HAM! Happy Sunday folks! Hope to see you guys at Legends Bar on Sunday at 33rd between Broadway and 5th. Well be down there at 4pm. Sunday Funday CrossFit style! BOOM! Coach James warm up 400…
Warm up W a Partner Med ball pass 10 each (stand 3-5FT away from each other) Med ball Squat and toss 10 each (stand 3-5ft from each other) Med ball squat HOLD and toss 10 each (stand 2-3 ft from each other) Med ball Hip Toss 10 each (stand 4-5…
Warm up shoulder mobility with bands LAX ball scapula 2mins each side 3 rounds of CINDY 5 strict pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats Dynamic stretches for hips Strength/skill Push presses 5-5-5-5-5 Then Push Jerks 2-2-2-2-2 Build up to a challenging set of…
BOOM! Good bye July and hello August! Lets get this month started off right by hitting some heavy dead lifts. Warm up Jump rope / Double Under Practice No time measure 3 sets of…
Warm up 400 Meter row/Ski No time measure 2 sets of 20 walking lunges 10 Push ups 10 Duck walks 5 strict pull ups (10 ring rows) Plank 1 minute Skill/Strength Accessory work 3 sets of 8-10 Pendlay rows Superset with Straight up Ring holds 30 secs -1 minute…
Hey folks, Welcome to our new monthly segment called "Ask the coach" This is where you will be able to email us with questions you have in regards to anything pertaining to your health and fitness. You might get the occasional dating advice. Depends on my mood. This months question…