2014 01 07
Warm up 2sets of 1 Min Each Double Unders Air Squats Strict pull ups Planks to push ups Strength/Skill 8 Min EMOTM ODD Min 5 HSPU Even 10 Chest to bar pull ups Scale's will be listed in class Training (Met-Con) "Good golly Miss Molly" 5 Rounds 3 Min AMRAP…
Warm up 2sets of 1 Min Each Double Unders Air Squats Inverted rows Planks to push ups Strength/Skill Back Squats 10-5-5-5-10 Training (Met-Con) 20 Min AMRAP "Tag me bro" In teams of 2 Do as many rounds as possible of 10 Toes to Bar 20 Burpees Partner A will complete…
2014 01 06
Warm up 2sets of 1 Min Each Double Unders Air Squats Barbell pull ups Planks to push ups Strength/Skill Push Press 5-3-3-3-3 Take 20 Mins to work up to a new 3RM Training (Met-con) 6 rounds AMRAP in 90 secs Rest 90 secs 9 KB Swings (53/35) (70/53) 9 Box…
2014 01 05
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Throughs 10 muscle snatches 10 over Head squats 10 Duck walks 10 Sots presses 10 Snatch Balance 10 Hang Snatches Strength/Skill Snatch EMOTM for 7 Mins 5 Hang Power Snatches @70% of 1 RM or (95/65) Training (Met-Con) "Spicey…
2014 01 04
Saturday 1/4/2014 WOD Team Day! YAAAY!
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Throughs 10 muscle snatches 10 over Head squats 10 Duck walks 10 Sots presses 10 Snatch Balance 10 Hang Snatches Training (Met-Com) "We have to do what?" In teams of 2 7 Min AMRAP 50 Hang Power Cleans(115/80) 50…
2014 01 03
Wednesday 1/1/2014 WOD Happy New Year
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Throughs 10 muscle snatches 10 over Head squats 10 Duck walks 10 Sots presses 10 Snatch Balance 10 Hang Snatches Training (Met-Con) "Double dose of Alkaseltzer" In teams of 2 20 Rounds 200 Meter row 10 Box Jumps (24/20)…
2013 12 31
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Throughs 10 muscle snatches 10 over Head squats 10 Duck walks 10 Sots presses 10 Snatch Balance 10 Hang Snatches Strength/Skill Back Squats 10-5-5-5-10 Training (Met-Con) "The End of the World WOD Part 1" 7 Rounds 7 Kettle Bell…
2013 12 30
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass Throughs 10 muscle snatches 10 over Head squats 10 Duck walks 10 Sots presses 10 Snatch Balance 10 Snatches Strength/Skill Push press 5-4-3-3-3 65%-70%-80%-90%-95% Base percentages off your 3RM Training (Met-Con) 4 Rounds 30 Secs AMRAP 30 Secs rest…
2013 12 29
Warm up W a PVC pipe 3 sets of 10 pass through's 10 Dislocates 10 Over Head Squats Burgener Warm up Dynamic Stretches Ankles, shoulders and hips Strength/Skill Snatch In 15 Mins build up to a 1RM Snatch 5-3-2-1-1-1 Training (Met-Con) 10 Min Ascending Ladder 2-4-6-8-10-12.... Climb as high as…
2013 12 28
Warm up 2 sets 20 Partner Med ball tosses 20 Partner Med ball Squat and toss 20 partner Med ball toss and run 20 partner Med ball hip toss 20 partner med ball Seated toss Strength/Skill 6 Min AMRAP Partner Floor press and strict pull ups 1 Partner works at…
2013 12 27