Great news EVF CrossFit Upper Eastside! We have entered our Crossfit Affiliate with the Lurong Living 8 week Nationwide Paleo Challenge. Below is a full description of the challenge. You can sign up right through the site on your own. The challenge starts this Monday Sept 16th. Not too much…
Warm up 2 Mins Jump rope 2 Min Double under practice Mobility Mash up with barbells LAX ball on Scap and traps 2mins on each Shoulder mobility with bands Workout Prep 3 sets of 5 ring dips/ 10 Push ups 10 KB swings 20 Double under Training…
Warm up 600 Meter run 3 Rounds of "CINDY" 5 strict Pull ups or 10 Ring rows 10 Push ups 15 Air squats Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 establish a 3 RM Push Jerks 1-1-1-1-1 Build to a heavy single push Jerk Training (Met-con) 8…
Warm up 400 meter run Mobility work LAX Ball on 2 Mins on each scapula Foam roll Quads, hip flexors, IT bands and Lats 3 mins on each side Shoulder mobility with bands Hip mobility and Dynamic Stretches Training (Met-con) "TABATA Oh My" 8 Rounds of 20 secs AMRAP 10…
Warm up 600 meter partner run while passing med ball to each other 3 sets of 10 Air Squats 10 Push ups 10 Ring rows/ 5 Strict pull ups Dynamic stretches Training (Met-con) WOD 1 5 Min AMRAP in Teams of two Max cal Row 30 secs on…
Back in January, I walked into EVF looking for a place to train. I had just retired from playing hockey and everyone I was close to was peppering me with the "well what are you going to do for the rest of your life?" question. I had about as many…
Warm up 10 Junk yard dogs with a Partner With a PVC pipe 10 Pass Thru's 10 Over Head Squats Shoulder traction with bands Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill Snatch Take 20 Mins to find a new 1 RM 5-4-3-2-1-1-1 Training (Met-con) "The Chuck Hustle" 5 Rounds 10…
Warm up Time Est: 15 Mins 600 meter Med ball Run 3 sets of 10 Med Ball Burpees 10 Russian Twist 10 Med Ball Cleans Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill Time est: 20 Mins Strict Over Head Press 3-3-3-3-3 Super set with Wall Sits w Med ball (20/14) 30-60…
Warm up 3 sets of 10 Box Jumps (20 or lower) 10 Ring Rows to chest or 5 strict pull ups 1 min plank Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill HSPU/ Kipping Practice Training (Met-con) 15 Min AMRAP 40 Pull ups 30 Wall balls (20/14) 20 SDHP (75/55) 10 HSPU…
Warm up 1 Mile run 2 Sets of 10 Air Squats 10 Push ups 10 Ring rows/ 5 Strict pull ups Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill 5 Sets of Bear Complex 1 power clean 1 Front Squat 1 push press 1 Back Squat 1 Push press Rest 2-3 mins between…