Warm up 3 sets of 15 jump Squats 20 Hollow Rocks 30 Mountain Climbers Dynamic Stretches Barbell Clean Progression Strength/Skill In 15 Mins Level 1 (Fitness) Hang Cleans 5-5-5-5-5 Work on Speed and technique Level 2 In 15 Mins cleans 3-3-3-3-3 Touch and go, no failed attempts. Build to a…
Warm up 600 Meter Run 3 sets of 5 Inch Worms 10 Groiners 15 super mans Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill EMOM for 7Mins Level 1 Toes to bar Kipping practice Even min 5 Kips or Knees to elbows Odd Min 3 HSPU Level 2 EMOM for 7 mins Even…
So you have started taking LuRong Living Essential, however you are not sure what to expect or when to expect it? Well, here are some basic things to look out for along with some simple product facts. To start, it’s important to understand that Lurong Living Essential is not an…
Warm up 600 meter run 3 Sets of 5 Strict pull ups/10 Ring rows 10 Air Squats 15 Hollow Rocks Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill Back Squats In 20 Mins build to a 10 Rep max Do not exceed more than 5 working sets Rest 3-4 mins between each set Training…
We are looking for new front desk staff! If anyone knows someone that would be interested then please let us know! The details are all here. Mind Body and CrossFit experience is a huge plus! Outgoing and resourceful is a must!
Warm up 3 sets of 20 Hollow Rocks 20 Super mans 20 Ab mat sit ups 30 secs-1 min Plank Training (Endurance) 8x200 meter On the Ski erg Rest 1.1 ratio 4x400 meter run Rest 1.1 ratio 2x800 meter row Rest 1.1 ratio Score and log each round. Look to…
Warm up 600 Meter med ball Run In a running clock of 15 Mins W a PVC Pipe 3 sets of 10 Pass throughs 10 Over Head squats Then 2 sets of 10 Ball Slams (blue slam ball) 10 Spider mans 10 Supermans 10 wall Balls (no weight listed) Snatch…
Warm up 600 meter run 3 sets of 5 strict pull ups/10 ring rows 10 Push ups 10 Leaping Lunges Dynamic Stretchestrong> Strength/Skill LEVEL 1 (fitness) HSPU 5 sets of 3 Super set with 6 Turkish gets up (3 each Leg) Rest 2-3 mins between each set Level 2…
Warm up 400 meter run 3 Rounds of 20 Lunges 15 Hollow Rocks 10 Burpees Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill Push press 5-4-3-2-2 Super set with 15 weighted Ab Mat sit ups Training (Met-Con) Level 1 (Fitness) 3 Mins Max Cals Row 30 Secs rest 3 Mins Max KB Push Press 30…