2013 07 14
Warm up foam roll Dynamic stretches 1 set of 20 wall balls 20 ab mat sit up 5 cals on Rower Strength/Skill Front Squats level 2 (advance) tempo 12x1 hold for two seconds in the hole 3-3-3-3-3 60%-70%-75-80%-85% of your 1Rm level 1 (beginner) 3-3-3-3-3 build up to…
Warm up 3 mins Single jump rope 5 mins double under practice Dynamic stretches Strength/skill Floor press Level 2 (advance) 3-3-3-3-3 Level 1 (beginner) 5-5-5-5-5 From Crossfit.com archives July 6th 2012 TUESDAY 120814 Level 2 ( advance) 50-35-20 reps of: Wall balls Pull-ups Double-unders Level…
2013 07 13
Warm up "Takes 2 to have Fun with balls " Partner med ball toss 10x each Partner Squat and toss w med ball 10x each Partner Hold in Squat position Med ball toss 10x partner med ball hip toss 10x each partner sit med ball toss 10x partner Russian twist…
2013 07 12
Warm up Junk yard dogs Shoulder traction with bands Hip mobility and dynamic stretches Strength/Skill Snatch Balance Level 2 3 sets of 5 Build up to heavy set of 5 Level 1 3 sets of 5 Snatches Level 2 3 EMOM for 5 Mins @ 70% OF…
2013 07 11
Warm up The Coach says game Dynamic Stretches Strength/Skill Level 2 Toes to bar practice 4 T2B on the minute every minute for 4 Mins After proceed to workout prep Set up bar and take 3-4 attempts to build up to workout weight. superset with 5 strict ring dips…
2013 07 10
Warm up 400 Meter run Dynamic Stretches Crab walks Inch Worms Spider man crawls Strength Level 2 (advance) Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 60%-70%-80%-85%-90% Level 1 (beginner) Push press 5-5-5-5-5 Build up to a challenging set of 5 reps Training Level 2 (Advance) 3 rounds for time of…
2013 07 09
Warm up dynamic stretches focus on Shoulder/Hip/ankle 5 point Burpees Strength/skill Level 2 (advance) Pistols 4 on the min for 8 mins remainder of time during the minute hold into a plank Level 1 (beginner) alternating weighted back wards lunges 3 sets of 10 on each leg hold…
2013 07 08
Warm up 600 meter run Dynamic stretches W an empty barbell Clean prep work Strength Level 2 Cleans 3-3-2-1-1-1 60%-70%80%-90 %-95%- new 1RM Build to a new 1RM Level 1 (beginner) Hang cleans 3-3-3-3-3-3 Build up to a challenging set of 3 Training Level 2 For…
2013 07 07
Warm up: 500m ski 3 rounds: 10 pvc pass throughs 10 good mornings 10 duck walks w/ pvc (5 forward 5 back) Dynamic stretches Skill: Handstand push ups Level 1: practice kicking up/holding hanstand/negatives Level 2: 7 mins every minute on the minute: 2-4 HSPU Training: level 2 For time 21…
2013 07 06
Saturday 7/6/2013 WOD CF for HOPE
Warm up Burgener warm up 2 sets of 5 burpees 5 power snatches 5 box jumps 5 thrusters 5 pull ups level 2 (advance) SATURDAY 130706 July 6, 2013 Hope For Cures workout is today! "Hope" Three rounds of: Burpees 75/ 45 pound Power snatch Box jump, 24/20 box 75/45…
2013 07 05