Workout of the Day Complete 2 Rounds of the following: Row 250 meters 25 Push-Ups Row 500 50 Air Squats Row 750 75 Double-Unders Row 1000m 100 Ab-mat sit ups
[caption id="attachment_5075" align="alignleft" width="225"] Making Use Of The Scaffolding[/caption] We requested scaffolding so that Bharat could do some pull-ups! Our temporary signage will be up soon, but in the meantime, look for us under the scaffolding!
Workout of the Day A. Five sets of: Shoulder Press x 4-6 reps @ 20X1 Rest 60 seconds Front Leaning Rest on Rings x 60-90 seconds Rest 60 seconds B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of: 115/75 lb. Push Press x…
Workout of the Day In Teams of 3, complete 3 full rounds each of: Row 500m 400m Run (or ski) 20 Wall Balls 20 Burpees 400m Run (or ski) Row 500m The workout will run as follows: Partner A will start with their 500m row and then…
STRENGTH Workout of the Day MAIN EVENT 1A) Press (1′s week) [All numbers are based off of 90% of your 1-RM. For example, your first warm-up set is based off of 40% of 90% of your 1-RM. If you're working off of a 185 1-RM Max, all…
Workout of the Day A. Four sets of: Clean x 1.1.1 (rest 10 seconds between singles – these are full cleans) Rest 2-3 minutes between sets B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 135/95 lb. Hang Squat Clean x 6 reps Hand-Release…
If you missed the recent Well + Good Article, where Eric Von Frohlich reviews "How To Do A Perfect Pushup" and teaches Three Moves to Improve Your Pushups. Here's a quick video of the perfect push-up. Come join a conditioning class to practice those push-ups!
STRENGTH Workout of the Day MAIN EVENT: 1) Squat (1's week) Set 1 - 40% x 5 Reps Set 2 - 50% x 5 Set 3 - 60% x 3 Set 4 - 75% x 5 Set 5 - 85% x 3 Set 6 - 95% x…
Workout of the Day WORKOUT 13.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 5 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75) 10 Deadlift (115/75) 15 Box Jumps (24/20) Submit scores here at The Games website