Carissa Mueller

CrossFit Level 1 Coach
- My workout playlist includes anything loud. Drown out all distractions and focus only on the next rep.
- My favorite movement to teach is the snatch. I had a really hard time learning how to snatch and still have to work a lot on it. I feel like I can relate to people as they try to conquer all of the movement’s complexities.
- My pre-workout snack of choice 1 egg, 2 egg whites, baby food banana, and a tablespoon of peanut butter. Post-workout, though, don’t talk to me about my Pop-Tarts unless you would like one. 🙂
- The hardest workout I’ve ever done “The Nightmare before Christmas,” from EVF’s first “Battle of the Fittest” — not because it was hard per se, but because I literally spent every ounce of energy I had on it. I was well coached through it and managed to sustain a true max effort until the end. I almost passed out afterwards. It’s the first time I remember really understanding the idea of limits and wanting to expand mine.
- My mantra when I’m struggling through a workout: “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” In less literary terms: Take what you want for your life. Choose to keep going. Why can’t you?
- My special talent knowing a lot and absolutely nothing at the same time. Woah … mind blown.
2016 08 25