2013 07 26
Warm up 2 sets of 10 air squats 10 push ups 10 ab-mat sit ups 10 strict pull ups dynamic stretches Training in Teams of 3 1 min Each until the team rows a combined 3K meters take 30 secs rest between each station Partners must be working…
Warm up No time measure 3 rounds of 10 air squats 10 push ups 10 lunges (each leg) 10 strict pull ups or ring rows 10 burpees Dynamic stretches Skill practice Double under/ Toes to Bar Training "Go Ham" in teams of two LV2 2 rounds for time 30…
2013 07 25
Warm up 3 Rounds of "CINDY" 5 Strict Pull ups 10 Push ups 15 Air Squats Dynamic Stretches HSPU practice Strength/Skill LV 2 Back Squats 3-3-3-3-3 50%-60%-70%-80%-90% of your 1RM 1 min rest then 10 Tall Box Jumps (Higher than you normally jump, step down off box after each…
2013 07 24
Warm up 400 Meter run w a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 Pass thru's 10 Over Head squats Bar bell progression Dynamic stretches Workout Prep Hang Power Cleans Take 3-4 sets to work up to workout weight Training Partner WOD Why? Because Chuck Norries…
2013 07 23
Warm up 3 rounds of Cindy 5 pull ups/ ring rows 10 push ups 15 air squats Dynamic stretches Skill/Strength Bar-bell lunges 3 sets of 10 Superset with planks 30 secs-1 Min Training TABATA 20 secs AMRAP 10 secs rest SDHP (75/55) Burpees 5 min rest …
2013 07 22
Warm up With a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 pass thru's 10 Over head squats 2sets of the following 10 super mans 10 groiners 10 hollow rocks 10 push ups 10 strict pull ups/ ring rows Strength Strict press 3-3-3-3-3 60%-70%-80%-85%-90% of your 1RM Training 30…
2013 07 21
Sunday 7/21/2013 MAIN-SITE WOD
Warm up 400 meter run With a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 Pass through's 10 Over Head Squats 2 sets of the following 10 super mans 10 lunges 10 hollow rocks 10 push ups 10 ring rows dynamic stretches Workout prep Thrusters Take 4 sets to work…
2013 07 20
Saturday 7/20/2013 WOD “THE A-Team”
Warm up Musical Balls Dynamic Stretches HSPU Practice T2B practice Training "The A-Team" Partner WOD Teams of two 5 min TEAM AMRAP Ski 1 partner works at a time switch every 100 meters 2 min rest 5 Min TEAM AMRAP (Lv 2) HSPU (lv 1) pike…
2013 07 19
Warm up with a PVC pipe 2 sets of 10 Pass thru's 10 Over head squats 1 set of 15 groiners 15 super mans 15 hollow rocks Dynamic Stretches double under practice Skill/Strength level 2 Clean and Jerks 3-3-3-3-3 build up to a challenging set of 3 NO FAILED…
2013 07 18
Warm up With a PVC Pipe 2 sets of 10 pass throughs 10 Over head squats 1 set of 10 groiners 10 super mans 20 Lunges (total) 10 hollow body rocks SKILL/ STRENGTH Level 2 (advance) Skill transfer Stabilization work EMOM for 6 Mins Odd minute hold in…
2013 07 17