CrossFit Programming: A Look Ahead
2020 has arrived, and we have lots of fitness to look forward to in the new year! Now is the time to set new goals and find ways to keep that January motivation going throughout the year. This year will continue to challenge you in new and different ways, as well as building on the skills and strengths you have now. Before I discuss the upcoming cycle in detail, I want to provide a basic overview of what you can expect from the programming over the next twelve months.
From January through March, we’ll focus on the big lifts – back squat, snatch, clean & jerk, deadlift, and bench press. Our gymnastic and skill focus will continue to be on strict gymnastics and moving with excellent technique. Volume will be low to moderate.
From April through June, we’ll continue to focus on the main lifts, as well as building conditioning and increasing gymnastics volume. We’ll test some benchmarks and look to re-test towards the end of the year. Volume will be moderate to high.
From July through August, we’ll ramp up for the Crossfit Open, focusing on barbell cycling, high volume gymnastics, and conditioning.
September will be all about open prep, with the open beginning in October and ending in the middle of November.
To finish out the year, we’ll focus on strength maintenance in the main lifts, Olympic lifting technique, and strict gymnastics in low to moderate volume. We’ll re-test the benchmarks from the spring and see how we’ve (hopefully!) improved.
Our upcoming cycle will start Monday, January 6th and will continue through February 28th.
On Mondays, we’ll be back squatting, utilizing a higher volume variation of a 5-3-1 cycle.
Tuesdays, we’ll snatch. Sets will be on a clock, starting with power snatches and transitioning to full squat snatches over the course of the cycle.
Wednesday will be cleans & push jerks, with a high skill gymnastics element in the conditioning piece.
On Fridays, we’ll superset moderate to heavy deadlifts with max effort sets of strict gymnastics. Expect pull ups, chest to bar, toes to bar, and muscle ups.
Saturdays will of course be partner workouts, and we’ll continue to work on bench press on Sundays.
Take an extra rest day this weekend and get ready to hit it hard on Monday. Here’s to much more fitness in 2020! Let’s go!
2020 01 03