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Friday, August 26 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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First, I want to take a minute to commend everyone on a job well done this past cycle. It was a tough one, but everyone showed up and worked hard, and it paid off! We saw lots of squat PRs, as well as technical improvements in the snatch and jerk. Excellent work, everyone!

This next cycle will be a little shorter than the last two, with six weeks of training followed by a seventh week of testing. We’ll be squatting on Mondays, of course, using a variety of percentages and rep schemes. We’ll start with lighter weight for higher reps and progress into heavier weights and fewer reps. You’ll see 8×3 twice this cycle, and on those days, while I’ll program a metcon, it will be optional for those of you who want to take more time on your squats.

Wednesdays will alternate clean (sometimes jerk) and snatch with varying weights, rep schemes, and time domains. You’ll have a lot more opportunities to lift heavy this cycle, so take advantage of those days and get used to doing heavy snatches and cleans more often. Thursday and Friday will be strict overhead press and deadlift, respectively. Our deadlifts will be a basic Wendler cycle – something I’m sure many of you have done. It will require that you base your percentages on 90% of your 1RM, so keep that in mind when calculating your working weights.

Stepping it up on conditioning this month (as you can probably already tell), so don’t be afraid to scale back if necessary. Scale weight, movements, reps, and rounds as needed. If you’re not sure how to scale something appropriately, ask your coach! That’s what we’re there for.

Thanks to all of you for making my first cycle as head coach a great one, and for just being your awesome selves. You make my job easy! Now let’s crush some weights.

— Coach Jenna

Mobility: Get ready for some deads with these effective posterior chain mobs from Smashwerx!

Warm up
6 minutes:
10 single-leg glute bridges
10 good mornings
10 v- ups

Performance: 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%xAMRAP
*Percentages are based on 90% of your 1RM (ie, if your 1RM is 200#, your first set will be at 65% of 180#)

Fitness: 3×5, across

16 minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 10 handstand push ups
Minute 2: 10 KB snatches (5/arm, 53/35)
Minute 3: 50 double unders
Minute 4: 10 pistols

16 minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 15 push ups
Minute 2: 10 KB snatches
Minute 3: 100 single unders
Minute 4: 10 modified pistols or 20 air squats

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