Friday, Oct. 21 CrossFit Workout of the Day
Mobility: OHS are a great way for coaches to identify mobility limitations – one major limitation that stands out is the ankle! The ankles go through a beating, and without much love, may not perform as you expect them to. Here’s an easy, quick way mobilize the ankle to prep you for OHS and the cycle ahead.
Warm up
5 minutes:
10 PVC pass thrus
10 OHS
5 scorpion stretches
Hip/shoulder mobility
Overhead squat
Performance: 5×5, ascending
Fitness: Technique work & mobility
21-15-9 reps of:
Power snatch (115/75)
Handstand push ups
Toes to bar
21-15-9 reps of:
Hang power snatch
DB strict press
2016 10 20