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Build your skills: Handstand push-up program

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All you want for Christmas is a handstand push-up? Ask and you shall receive! Pick your phase and follow the plan, repeating each week as needed. Each workout will take anywhere from 3 to 15 minutes, depending on the day — easy to do before or after class.

Somewhere in between phases? Pick the lower level. Reinforcing basics and getting stronger will always pay off more in the long run. Have fun! Have any questions? Head to Instagram to see movements demo’d in coming weeks, or ask a coach!

Phase 1
Current ability: Fewer than 10 standard* push ups
Goal: 10 standard push ups

Phase 1a
2 days/week
3-8 push ups on the minute for 10 minutes

Once you can complete 8 reps (not necessarily unbroken) on the minute for the entire 10 minutes, move on to 1b

*Body completely straight, no breaking of the midline, chest to ground at the bottom with hips off the floor

Phase 1b
Stamina & Strength

Day 1
Day 2
Push-ups: As many reps as possible in 3 minutes, working toward 30 reps  3 sets:10 L-seated dumbbell presses
2 wall walks (as vertical as possible)

Phase 2
Current ability: 10 standard push ups
Goal: Kick up to and hold a handstand against the wall for :20 with good body position (if you are already able to do this, move on to phase 3)

Day 1 Day 2
3 sets:
10 box walk ups (getting hands as close to the box as possible)
Headstand or tripod hold for as long as possible
3 sets:
3 wall walks to :10 wall-facing handstand
:40 overhead KB static hold
:30 hollow body hold

Phase 3
Current ability: Kick up to handstand and hold for at least :20 in good position
Goal: 1 strict handstand push up (without an AbMat)

Day 1
Day 2
Specific strength
Day 3
General strength
Day 4
Specific strength
Accumulate 20 knees on box pike push ups, adding 5 reps/week until you are at 40 10×1 slow negatives
Start with as many AbMats as needed (3 max). Progress to fewer AbMats and eventually to a deficit
3×5 toes on box pike push ups

2 x 8-12 decline push ups

2 x 8-12 L-seated dumbbell presses

 Repeat Day 2

Phase 4
Current ability: 1 strict handstand push up & 3-5 kipping handstand push ups (unbroken, all without an AbMat)
Goal: 3 strict handstand push ups & 10 kipping handstand push ups

Day 1
Day 2
Kipping stamina
Day 3
Strict volume
Day 4
Kipping volume
10×1 deficit negative HSPU

5×5 toes on box pike push up at most difficult height

3 x max kipping HSPU w/ 2:00 rest between sets 1 strict HSPU every minute on the minute for 10:00 (add reps if 1 becomes easy) 3-minute AMRAP kipping HSPU

Phase 5
Current ability: 3-5 strict handstand push ups & 10 kipping handstand push ups (unbroken, all without an AbMat)
Goal: 8-10 strict handstand push ups & 20 kipping handstand push ups

Day 1
Day 2
Strict volume
Day 3
Kipping speed
Day 4
Strict/kipping stamina
5×2-5 dead stop strict HSPU

3×5 kipping deficit HSPU w/ most difficult deficit

 3-5 strict HSPU every minute on the minute for 10:00 (increase reps when ready  20 kipping HSPU for time  4 sets:3-5 strict HSPU
Rest :20
Max set kipping HSPU

Phase 6
Current ability: 8-10 strict handstand push ups & 20+ kipping handstand push ups (unbroken, all without an AbMat)
Goal: 15 strict handstand push ups & 30+ kipping handstand push ups

Day 1
Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
3 x max set strict HSPU 30 kipping HSPU for time 5 strict HSPU every minute on the minute for 10:00 (once you can get through all sets of 5 unbroken, add reps) 4 sets:
3-5 deficit strict HSPU (2-3”)
Rest :20
Max set deficit kipping HSPU (4-5”)