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January Columbus Circle Athlete of the Month

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Our January athlete of the month for Columbus Circle is (drumroll, please!) … Ana Cristina Improise!

Ana Cristina joined our community prior to our Columbus Circle opening last March. Since day one, she’s been a pillar of our community — snapping photos, crushing workouts, motivating members and inspiring everyone with her work ethic.


How/when did you get involved in CrossFit?
I had never heard of CrossFit until December 2013 when my friend Patricia Calixto told me about her passion and love for it and how the sport could help me get stronger and healthier.

Do you remember your first workout? How was it?
I don’t really remember, but I know it included wall balls and deadlifts. Even though I felt exhausted and breathless, it was a fantastic feeling. They are still my favorites.

What were your goals when you first started? How have they changed?
I try not to create any expectations on anything I do, but I can say my first goal was to join a vibrant community that could help me to improve my physical condition and my social skills. I got everything I wanted, and I’m very glad to be part of this amazing family called EVF.


How have you grown in that time — health, body, mind, etc.?
Wow, my friends are always telling me how my body has changed, and I can feel and see that now. I’ve changed my eating and sleeping habits. I’m happier and healthier than ever.

What do you enjoy most about CrossFit?
I was reading a post from Coach Nicole and I found a perfect definition of how I feel and what I enjoy the most: “Box is my second home and my favorite playground. I adore the social side of CrossFit. Competitive? Not at all.” For those who knows me, I love to take pics, and I’ve been called the “paparazzi girl,” right Teeshavi?!


Favorite lift and WOD?
Deadlifts are my favorite lift, and I don’t have a favorite WOD. I’m just glad to know I’m able to get them done!

What about your least favorite?
Burpees are my least favorite, especially those to a plate.

What motivates you?
Passion is what motivates me in life. I’m not the kind of person who does things just because. I’ve been learning to love CrossFit even more with Alexis, Kristi, Mark, Dyer, Jason, Vito, Travis, Jenny H., Miguel, Teeshavi, Youri L., and Sabrina T.! They are friends and great people to have around.


Do you have any advice for new members?
Don’t be afraid to try anything in life. When I was young, I used to avoid new things. I learned with CrossFit that trying is better than not doing at all. I was told once that CrossFit was not for me, but I proved the person who said that wrong. My lower back pain and my sciatic problems are no longer with me and I’m very glad.

What do you hope to achieve in the coming year?
As you know, I’m leaving NY for good next year. I hope I can find a CrossFit box as great as I found here at EVF and keep improving my skills.

Comments: 1

  1. You are an inspiration everyday, and have definitely left your mark on my heart♡ I am going to miss my paparazzi 🙁 but until then let’s keep crushing it!!!!

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