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July Athlete Spot light of the month

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Hey EVF’ers, we are excited to announce this months Athlete spot light as……

Brett ” B -Rad” Stern



How/when did you get involved in EVF? What has motivated you to stick with it?
I have been watching the CrossFit games on ESPN since 2010 but never really looked into it until 2012. At the time I was bouncing around from NYSC, Equinox, Soul Cycle and other boutique studios on the UES but was struggling to stay motivated. I was walking my dog in early August 2012 when I just so happened to walk by EVF. I stopped in and started speaking to Eric and the rest is history. I don’t think I have been away for more than a day or two at a time since then.

The workouts are awesome and physically I have never felt better, but it’s the coaches and community (what up 5:30 a.m.!) that have really kept me coming back for more.


What do you enjoy most about being a member at EVF?
The way I feel right after a WOD. It is not a pretty scene: rolling around in a pool of sweat, gasping for air, trying not to die … It’s the best part of my day!

Do you remember your first workout? Looking back how did it go?
Haha I try not to think about it, but yes I remember my first workout. I thought I was going to die. It was a 12-minute AMRAP of pull-ups, running and box jumps, I believe. I remember saying to myself “That really sucked … I loved that.” Pretty sure I still say the same thing to myself after every workout.

What were your goals when you first started? How have they changed?
My initial goals were the usual “get huge, get ripped, 6-pack city.” Now I want an 18-pack like Earle. I also want to get bigger, stronger, faster and taller.


How have you grown in that time — health, body, mind, etc.?
Health and body are obvious. If you put the time in, eat right and recover right you are going to see incredible results.

It’s the mental growth that I did not expect. Within 2 months of starting CrossFit, I found the courage to quit my boring sales job and hop on board with an incredible up and coming health and fitness startup. Mentally I feel sharper than ever and for the past 2 years I have found this confident little pep in my step. I feel like Superman (SORRY Matt, I am not a Batman guy) every time I walk out of EVF.



Favorite lift and WOD?
Favorite lift: hang power cleans and BURPEES! Favorite WOD: “Airforce”

Least favorite movement and workout?
Overhead squats and running, ughh!

What drives you through the door each day?
There are 2 main driving factors that get me out of bed at 4:45 a.m. almost every day.

1. I am now addicted to sweat. If my shirt is not drenched with sweat at least once a day, my whole world just feels off.

2. Accountability: There are certain people (you all know who you are, and we all have them) that I bust my ass with on a daily basis and we are there to encourage each other to get through that last round, set, rep. It’s not easy to get up in the morning and there are definitely times where all I want to do is cancel my alarm but then I think “What will ____ think if I don’t show up today?” That’s accountability!


Do you have any advice for new members?
I would pass on two pieces of advice that were bestowed upon me courtesy of Coach Q:

1. “Embrace the suck”

2. “If you want hot abs, YOU GOT TO MAKE THEM SIZZLE!!!”


What do you hope to achieve in the coming year?
200# clean, handstand walk, don’t die at the Spartan Beast, more Saturday morning bro breakfasts, go to more concerts!​


Brett is a dedicated member at EVF Performance. He has been here with us for just under two years now. If your asking me to describe my ideal member, my conversation starts with Brett.

He is dedicated not only to his own fitness goals and achievements but also to his peers. He is the first person to meet a new member and the first to encourage them. He lives and breathes this community and you can see it through his passion for fitness and CrossFit.

He wakes up each morning and comes in with a great attitude (unless we have to run), ready to work, and always eager to learn. Lets put it this way. He LOVES Burpees. A sane person does not say that. That tells you how crazy Brett is about CrossFit and being a member at EVF.

He is an amazing guy, a dedicated athlete, a loving husband, an entrepreneur, a fitness ambassador and a community leader. He is also a great friend.

Here’s to you Brett.









Comments: 1

  1. Hands down love this. Brett you are such a staple to our 5:30 class, you truly deserve this! You’ve come so far in the time I’ve known you, I’m excited to see you progress in the future! Hope to kick some ars with you tomorrow morning!!

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