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Monday, Oct. 29 CrossFit Workout of the Day

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Warm Up
3 rounds
5-10 reps of strict gymnastics weakness*
10/8 calorie row
:45 in any static hold**

*Level 1: push up, ring row, pull up, toes to bar, box handstand push up
Level 2: handstand push up, dip, C2B pull up, pistol
Level 3: deficit handstand push up, ring/bar muscle up, handstand walk

**plank, hollow, bar hang, handstand, wall sit, KB front rack/suitcase, top of pull up, dip support, L-sit, etc.

Snatch: 4×3
Across or ascending

For time:
20 handstand push ups
30 DB hang power cleans (40/25)
40 overhead squats (95/65)
50 sit ups
60 double unders