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New cycle kicks off March 26

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And just like that, the 2018 CrossFit Open comes to a close. It was a tough five weeks, but you all hung in there and learned a little bit about yourself along the way. There were a lot of firsts, and many of you learned that you’re much stronger than you ever thought. On the flipside, the Open has a way of exposing our weaknesses — gymnastics, conditioning and barbell movements. Lucky for you guys, you now have 11 months to turn those weaknesses into strengths. Use your time wisely!

Our new cycle will start this coming Monday. Here’s a little breakdown of what to expect.

On Mondays, we’ll work on progressions to the full snatch. We’ll start by working from the hang positions: high-hang and low hang. This will build a solid foundation of positioning and will lead to a stronger transition and finish in the pull. We’ll be drilling home how to use our LEGS, not just our powerful hip extension. (Anyone ever heard me say “leg drive?”) As the weeks go on, we’ll work up to snatching from the floor, as well as getting into some more advanced complexes.

Front squats will continue on Tuesdays. For the first four weeks, we’ll be building towards a 3-rep max, followed by a 1-rep max in week eight. All work will be percentage-based, working of your 1RM. Don’t worry if you don’t have a front squat max — our coaches will guide you in the right direction!

Wednesdays will be focused on progressions to the clean and jerk. We’ll be working with similar progressions here as we’re doing with the snatch. Most of you will be working on the clean and push jerk, but if your coach feels you’re proficient and have a solid base of technique for the split jerk, you can work with that instead. This cycle is all about learning good positioning on your pull. If you’re in the right positions from the hang, the transition to the floor will be seamless.

On Friday, we’re bring back the deadlift and press combo. Who doesn’t love a good push/pull day? These two lifts will follow a traditional block periodization style. We’ll start with 3×5 at 65% and look to increase weight each week.

Partner WODs return on Saturdays, and Sunday’s Crossfit class will emphasize gymnastic skill work and conditioning.

Conditioning each day will continue to emphasize barbell cycling, gymnastics work and, now that we’re finally done with the snow (I think), lots more running!

Let’s keep working hard and having fun! Email me with any questions at