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We are very proud to announce November’s Eastside athlete spotlight is…

Kathryn Sorte!

Kathryn is an amazing athlete and awesome community member. In addition to being a bad-ass CrossFitter, she just completed the 2014 NYC marathon!!  We caught up with her to tell us about her CrossFit and EVF journey.

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How/when did you get involved in CrossFit? What has motivated you to stick with it?
I got involved almost 2 years ago. I always walked past EVF on my way to work and decided to sign up for a free intro class on a whim. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had recently run the Chicago marathon and thought I was in pretty good shape. Famous last words because that class totally kicked my butt. There are a number of things that motivate me to keep coming back, but one in particular is how great it makes me feel both physically and mentally.

What do you enjoy most about being a member at EVF?
Definitely the people and the community. I’m sure you can achieve the same level of fitness from other types of gyms, but I think the EVF members, coaches, and community are unparalleled. From regular classes to post-WOD drinks and events like the CMC, I always have a good time.

Do you remember your first workout? Looking back how did it go?
It was a mix of wall balls, push-ups, and jumping pull-ups. I couldn’t do a push-up, could barely do the wall balls with an 8-pound ball, and was sore for days. It was in the free intro class, and I had gone for a long run before class because I figured it was “just” an intro class. Huge mistake — it took me almost 2 months to come back for on-ramp.

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What were your goals when you first started? How have they changed?
I had very few expectations of myself when I first started. I knew I wanted to build some strength but didn’t think much past that. Now, I actually care about my performance and not shortchanging myself when it comes to the workouts. I want to get stronger and faster and not settle for less than I know I can achieve.

How have you grown in that time — health, body, mind, etc.?
Obviously I’m much stronger physically. When I started I had no upper body strength as weight training for the most part was foreign to me. CrossFit has toughened me up mentally as well. I’m winding down training for the NYC marathon, and I know the mental toughness I’ve built through the hundreds of WODs I’ve finished has really driven me to push myself during my training in ways I hadn’t in the past. It’s really motivated me to “embrace the suck.”

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Favorite lift and WOD?
My favorite lift is definitely the hang power clean. Favorite WOD is DT.

Least favorite movement and workout?
Turkish get-ups are by far my least favorite movement. I despise them. Least favorite workout is anything with an obscene number of toes-to-bar.

What drives you through the door each day?
The people! And knowing that no matter how I feel walking in the door, I’ll feel infinitely better leaving.

Do you have any advice for new members?
Stick with it! It’s intimidating and overwhelming for most people at the beginning but if you stick with it you won’t regret it.

What do you hope to achieve in the coming year?
Pull-ups! And to improve on gymnastics in general.

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