Saturdays WOD 5/25/2013
Warm up
Mobility Coaches choice
Barbell Clean prep
1 Set of
3 down and up shrugs from the hip
3 shrugs from the top of knee
3 shrugs from the mid shin
1 Set of
3 power cleans from the hip
3 Power cleans from the knee
3 Power cleans from the shin
Partner WOD
For time:
2K Row/ Plank hold
1 partner rows, 1 partner holds plank. Switch every 250 meters.
60 Hang Power Cleans (115/75lbs) / Flutter Kicks
1 Partner cleans the other flutter kicks. Switch every 10 Cleans
50 Seated partner med ball tosses with feet off the ground (20/14)

2013 05 24