Step up your nutrition knowledge
The day ends with a fitness class with Coach Patrick! Location: Pop 37, 342 W. 37th Street. Sign up here. Save $10 on an all-access ticket using code EVFCROSSFIT
Ready to transform your nutrition or just find ways to eat a bit healthier to support your training? We’re hosting a nutrition seminar — including all you need to know on how to track your macros — at EVF Upper East Side on Sunday, April 28 from 1 to 2:30 PM. Afterward, stick around for a restorative yoga session with Dr. Kate.
Join us at Columbus Circle at 2:30 PM Saturday, May 4 as we debunk popular nutrition myths and show you how to best fuel a healthy, active lifestyle — without being too restrictive in your diet. We’ll also discuss the importance of heart health and monitoring your different heart rate zones to maximize your fitness and longevity.

EVF Nutrition support may be for you if:
- You feel tired and sluggish (throughout the day or around your workouts)
- You’re struggling to lose fat
- You’re struggling to put on muscle
- You aren’t sure how to properly fuel your body
- You’ve tried multiple “diets” with no success
- You have trouble motivating yourself to stick to a nutrition plan
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle or just feel better, nutrition plays a huge role in your success. You can give your all at the gym day after day, but if your daily intake is not what your body needs, hitting your goals won’t be easy.
2019 04 22